Day of Circumcision
Before you arrive
- Plan to be at the clinic for approximately 60-90 minutes
Please bring the following to your appointment:
- Infant Tylenol or Tempra
- A thin receiving blanket
- A soother (if you son uses one)
- It is recommended to feed your son just before you leave your home to ensure that he will be comfortable during his visit at the clinic.
You will also have time to feed him at the clinic.
Step-By-Step : At the clinic
- Arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
- At this point, we will give your son the appropriate dose of Infant Tylenol or Tempra.
- You will then meet with Dr. Brulotte, where he will gladly answer all of your questions and concerns. You are welcome (but are not obligated) to be present for the circumcision.
- Next, Dr. Brulotte will perform a dorsal penile ring block. This involves the injection of a freezing solution (xylocaine 1%) through a tiny needle into the area that has already been numbed by the topical cream.
- After a few minutes, the penis will be frozen, and Dr. Brulotte will perform the circumcision. Throughout the circumcision, which will be done within a few minutes, your son will receive sucrose (sugar solution), to further alleviate any discomfort.
- 20 minutes after the circumcision, we will show you how to care for your son’s newly circumcised penis. To make sure you are fully comfortable with the aftercare, we will do the first diaper change with you and show you how much Vaseline to apply.
- If needed, your baby can be given a second dose of acetaminophen (4 hours from the original dose) once the local anaesthetic has worn off. Based on your son’s weight, Dr. Brulotte will determine how much medication to administer.